Street Cleaning

Street Cleaning Maintenance

Public Works will complete the following activities through the course of its spring cleanup and maintenance operations:

1. 2A
2. 616
3. Collector Roads
4. Residential
5. Parking Lots

Street cleaning generally begins May 1st and is completed May 31st. These dates are contingent on favorable weather conditions.

Signs are placed at the entrances to the neighborhoods in advance of the cleaning equipment moving into the area. These signs direct residents to keep their vehicles off the streets so that a complete and thorough job of street sweeping can occur, this limits the need to ‘re-do’ missed areas.

If snow was piled on resident's front lawn during the winter season by Public Works, resident can request front lawn be swept prior to the street sweeping.

PLEASE NOTE:  Public Works will not remove any material from front lawns after the street sweeping has been completed in your area.


Roadway streets along parade routes and downtown areas will be inspected throughout the summer months and scheduled for cleaning as required.